JoelleOfficial Web



在学中、PS2「ガンダムG-SAVOUR」のテーマソング『Dear Mother』をリリース。
卒業後、ピアノの弾き語り映像が Backstreet Boys のプロデューサー Gary Bakerの耳に留まり、単身渡米しオリジナルトラックを制作。2006年のデビューミニアルバム『Lucky Maria』に3曲収録された。
この『Lucky Maria』は「トリック劇場版 2」の主題歌となる。Sound Horizon/Linked Horizon への参加に加え、NHK番組にも出演。多くのCMソングや子供教材、その他「FINAL FANTASY XIII-2」、「GOD EATER 3」の挿入歌なども歌う。日本代表バスケットボール試合ではこれまで5か国の国歌を斉唱。
2018年以降は梶浦由記のソロプロジェクト「FictionJunction」 に起用され、まその他の楽曲にも参加している。現在、新たに英語曲に挑戦するアーティストの発音指導、英詞の監修なども手掛けている。

Born in the U.S.A. and raised in Japan.
Joelle began singing to her father’s piano at an early age. While in high school, she started to sing to her own guitar and piano accompaniment while studying voice, and decided to make a career in music.

Finishing high school, she began music study at Yamaha Music Institute; she later received the school’s first scholarship. While at Yamaha she started her music career of writing and recording songs, and released Dear Mother, a theme song for PS2 Gundam G-SAVIOUR.

In 2002, she was invited to the U.S. by Backstreet Boys producer Gary Baker for some recording. She made her debut in 2006 with Universal Japan, performing Lucky Maria, the ending song for the popular movie “TRICK”. The debut album included three songs by Gary Baker.

She has sung on NHK TV programs, for a TV drama, for games including “FINAL FANTASY XIII-2” and “GOD EATER”, and has recorded many commercial songs. She has also been a guest singer for Sound Horizon/Linked Horizon live theater productions. She has sung the national anthems of five countries at international women’s basketball games. Since 2018 Joelle has been featured in Yuki Kajiura's solo project "FictionJunction".

Currently, she also teaches English pronunciation and supervises lyrics for artists who are trying out new English songs.

YouTube:Joelle Official